Friday, June 20, 2008

Guns N' Roses -Stephen Malkmus - The Exploding Hearts

Guns N' Roses


I've asked myself about a half a million times whether or not I actually care about Guns N' Roses anymore. I was twelve years old the last time Axl Rose actually released a record and I've spent all of my teens and early twenties watching the "Axl Rose Travelin' Train Wreck Tour" chip away at the Guns legacy.

Why can't I just accept this band is never going to be the wild pack of Hollywood Hooligans we all fell in love with back in the 80's? I mean, there's a million bands out there. Why can't I just move on and stop clinging to this tiny shred of of hope that Axl will lose about 50 pounds, take out those stupid braids, stop wearing football jerseys, reverse that awful plastic surgery, and then re-hire Slash, Duff, Izzy and Steven Adler?

Two days ago some crappy blog posted 9 tracks from the long awaited Guns album "Chinese Democracy." They were promptly met with the legal arm of Axl and Co. and the songs were taken down. I didn't get a chance to hear the songs, but I'm sure they suck. It's the shear fact that I spent almost two hours pathetically searching for someone else who had posted them that depresses me. It's almost as sad as going to an ex-girlfriends Myspace page just to see how fat and ugly she has gotten. I would never do that.

This might be real -

New Guns N' Roses Song?

Stephen Malkmus


Stephen Malkmus is the funkiest white guy I know. You should know him too. Get to know him on his new album 'Real Emotional Trash" and when he goes on tour this summer. Lets all hope for an Los Angeles date very soon.

Stephen Malkmus Tour Dates

7-16 Toronto, Ontario - Phoenix Concert Theatre
7-17 Montreal, Quebec - La Tulipe
7-19 Brooklyn, NY - Coney Island (Siren Festival)
7-27 Niigata, Japan - Fuji Rock Festival
8-01 Chicago, IL - Grant Park (Lollapalooza)
8-24 Brighton, England - Komedia
8-25 Bristol, England - Thekla
8-27 Nottingham, England - Rescue Rooms
8-29 Argyll, Scotland - Hydro Connect Festival

Stephen Malkmus "We Can't Help You"

The Exploding Hearts


I had the chance to hang out with The Exploding Hearts way back in January of 2003 while they were on tour promoting their brand new record, "Guitar Romantic." They played a blistering show in front of about 8 people and then we all hung out in the parking lot of the venue drinking beers and sharing a lot of laughs.

Six months later, The Exploding Hearts were involved in a serious car crash while on tour that killed three of their members, singer Adam Cox, drummer Jeremey Gage and bassist Matt Fitzgerald. It was pretty devastating to know that these guys died just trying to play music. It was a true tragedy.

I found these videos online and I thought I would do my part to keep these guys legacy alive. Happy trails, dudes.

Live Video - Part 1

Live Video - Part 2

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